Specialist Maxillo-Facial Implant Centre
The Anchorage Implant Centre has a long history and prestigious reputation in providing the best quality of care to all its clients.
Our Implant and surgical procedures are performed by Specialist Maxillo-Facial Surgeon supported by an experienced expert team.
We pride ourselves in the exemplary services we provide as all our treatments are carried out to the utmost standards, in line with the most advanced technologies.
Missing teeth can be replaced using the latest materials and techniques
Dental implants are a long-term solution to the problem of missing teeth.
They can replace one or more lost teeth or hold dentures securely in the mouth.
The implant takes over the role of the root providing a foundation to which a cosmetic restoration can be secured. Dental Implants have a very high success rate
Unlike conventional bridges, when dental implants are placed, the neighbouring teeth do not have to be ground down and are preserved
Dental Implants transmit chewing forces to the jawbone thus stimulating natural bone patterns therefore minimizing the bone loss normally associated with missing teeth. Conventional treatment methods do not offer this important benefit.
Implant treatment can be broken down into phases:
– treatment planning
– implant placement
– crown placement and
– hygiene maintenance.
Occasionally, a bone graft will be needed to provide an adequate site for impant placement.
If you require further information please contact us on 02392 822 817
Prices From
- 15 Dec 2015
- Dentistry
- Dr. Simon Brew
- Research for new surgery results